Aluminum irrigation tubes
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An irrigation system requires first-rate elements so that it can function properly. One of the most important elements, certainly, is the aluminum irrigation tubes that need to have high quality. This is because it is the pipes that transport the water and therefore, there is a need for quality so that there is no leakage.
Currently, it is possible to find aluminum tubes for irrigation in various measures of diameters and lengths. In addition, these elements can be developed in various alloys such as, for example, 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101, 6351 and also with tempering such as T4, T5, T6, T52 and others.
However, in order to find aluminum irrigation tubes with these characteristics, it is important to hire a good supplier who, in addition to supplying the item as mentioned, can produce already cut according to customer demand.
More information on aluminum tubes for irrigation
Aluminum tubes for irrigation are normally offered for specific civil construction applications. However, they are also acquired by resellers, distributors and companies specialized in the production of irrigation systems.
Some of the advantages found in aluminum tubes for irrigation and required by customers are: durability; easy recycling; presentable aesthetics; indisputable quality and possibility to be used to replace other materials.
Acquisition of aluminum tubes for irrigation
Anyone looking for aluminum tubes for irrigation should know that the best option is to hire a specialized manufacturer, as this will perform the service according to the customer’s request for alloy and quenching.
Also of note is that the request will be made in accordance with the standards NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229 and others, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).
High quality aluminum tubes and profiles is tera metais
A specialized and renowned manufacturer in the market is Tera Metais. The company has modern machinery with high technological capacity and therefore only develops first-rate products.
Since 1980 operating in the market, the company has been certified by ISO 9001. Tera Metais still meets the demands of customers from all over Brazil and exports its products to several countries.
For more information about Aluminum irrigation tubes
Call 11 4487-6474 or click here and contact by e-mail.
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