Aluminum tube value
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The market value aluminum tube is a part widely used in civil construction and industries in different segments. It is important to say that the price may vary depending on the model, the company and even the city where you live. The tubes can be of various alloys such as 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101, 6351 and tempering such as T4, T5, T6, T52.
Aluminum tube value and specifications
Many companies that manufacture and sell good value aluminum tube supply the material already cut according to the customer’s needs and request. The advantages of acquiring these tubes are innumerable, since they are made of aluminum and have high resistance, long service life, but on the other hand they are very light and malleable parts.
It is worth mentioning that the aluminum tube optimum value is built following a strict quality control in factories equipped with the latest generation infrastructure. It is necessary for the company to comply with a series of current standards such as ABNT: NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229, NBR15807, NBR 14334, NBR 15841, NBR 14246, NBR 8117 and NBR 15840.
There are countless models of aluminum tubes that are affordable on the market and you need to know them to choose the one that best suits the job you want to do. The most common types found are round, square and rectangular, all are made with the same materials and through the same process, what differentiates them is the format.
The excellent value aluminum tube is a product that is very much in demand in the market, as it is a good conductor of liquids or gases such as compressed air, nitrogen water and many other industrial wastes. Regardless of the shape, whether round, square or rectangular, it can be cleaned easily.
Even though it is very resistant, the aluminum tube of adequate value needs some basic care. It is undeniable that if the right care is taken, the life of the tube increases even more, so cleaning is essential and correct storage is also very important.
Tera Metais – Quality and tradition in aluminum profiles
Manufacturer of extruded aluminum alloy profiles, Tera Metais is ISO 9001: 2008 certified and accepts BNDES cards, all to facilitate and better serve its customers throughout Brazil.
The company is located in the city of Itatiba, in São Paulo, and has a factory with complete infrastructure to produce innovative solutions aimed at consumer satisfaction.
For more information about Aluminum tube value
Call 11 4487-6474 or click here and contact by e-mail.
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