Aluminum profile for glass guardrail
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The guardrails are structures that provide security in open spaces, in order to guarantee the proper bulkhead at heights. These structures can be made of different materials, such as traditional wooden structures and also iron structures and aluminum structures.
About the structures also composed of glass, aluminum profiles have become more suitable, since these materials are recognized because of their broad strength and reduced weight, when compared to structures in iron and wood. In addition, materials such as the aluminum profile for glass guardrail are characterized by their anticorrosive character, being ideal for outdoor environments, subject to the action of bad weather.
The composition of aluminum and glass also stands out with regard to its aesthetic pattern, since the aluminum profile for glass guardrail is recognized because of its sophistication.
The aluminum profile for glass guardrail can be purchased in several models, according to the definitions of the original designs. Thus, it is possible to have profiles in various alloys and seasonings (among which stand out: 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101, 6351 – alloys – and T4, T5, T6, T52 – quenching).
Besides that, it is worth mentioning that the aluminum profile for glass guardrail is produced according to the main technical standards defined for the control of its quality: ABNT: NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229, NBR 15807, NBR 14334, NBR 15841, NBR 14246, NBR 8117, NBR 15840. To guarantee the best aluminum profile for glass guardrail, it is important to have a reliable company in the market, such as Tera Metais.
Located in Itatiba, a city in the interior of São Paulo, the company Tera Metais has become one of the main manufacturers of aluminum profiles in the country. Its products are manufactured in a rigorous manner, following the main technical standards, in order to stand out with regard to its high quality. The company distributes its excellent products to all Brazilian states, as well as to other Latin American countries.
For more information about Aluminum profile for glass guardrail
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