Aluminum rails and profiles
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Aluminum rails and profiles are used in many segments to complete a project, designed by the customer, which can be made to measure, with the function of meeting the requested needs.
Made with high quality material, the aluminum rails and profiles are essential in several projects, as they allow adaptation to furniture or any other segments where there is a need for some type of finish, corner or even rails, where the drawers slide, drawers among others.
The rails and aluminum profiles receive this name, because they slide in two U-shaped profiles, where the wheels pass, making a movement as if it were a cart or train, for this reason the rails and aluminum profiles receive this name.
Use of aluminum rails and profiles
To avoid any problem with the rails and profiles, the company needs to have credibility and responsibility when making the product, so it can serve all customers in a personalized manner within the standards and avoiding any type of accident with the rails and profiles aluminum.
Also used in curtains, the aluminum rails and profiles have the same function of making the movement of the curtains, as well as in the drawers, where the casters move on the rails, moment of opening and closing.
Formed by a head, where the rolling table is located, by the vertical part that connects the head with the tab to another part, which is the bottom base that rests the sleepers and makes the aluminum rails and profiles manage to slide.
Tera Metais – 37 years leading in the metals market
Tera Metais has been constantly evolving knowledge, always seeking its growth, showing its professionalism, dedication, determination and credibility to always achieve its goals.
Located in Itatiba, in the interior of the state of São Paulo, with a great infrastructure and always ready to meet the needs of its customers in a personalized way that makes it recognized as one of the best in the market. Always seeking in a competitive way to develop new businesses and reach the goal of serving its customers with dedication, professionalism, quality of material and credibility.
For more information about Aluminum rails and profiles
Call 11 4487-6474 or click here and contact by e-mail.
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