Suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames
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The suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames have an extremely important role in the civil construction market: offering complete security and the most modern for the frames segment, paying attention to the supply and installation needs of each project.
With a market full of options and varieties, suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames offer intelligent and effective solutions for the design and construction of doors, gates, windows, tilters, shutters and other similar openings. In addition, suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames make available several models of their products, among them: opening frames, slides, maxim-ar, guillotine, shrimp and many others.
Suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames are responsible for at least 18% of the total cost of works in a construction – which confirms its importance in these projects. In addition, suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames, work both on an industrial scale and on demand, a great advantage for their customers, because like this it is possible to save on materials and manpower.
A great benefit provided by the suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames is the material used, after all, aluminum is extremely light, stainless and has a determining factor: durability and resistance against corrosion and salt air. With a wide variety of options, suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames carry out projects based on the ideas of their customers, thus ensuring a unique and personalized environment.
Thus, suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames guarantee a product manufactured within all national quality requirements stipulated by government agencies.
Founded in the 1980s, Tera Metais has undergone constant developments and changes to reach its current level: located in Itatiba, SP – Tera Metais has a modern infrastructure with more than 30,000.00 m2, in addition, it has equipment automated and very high production capacity – approximately 800 tonnes per month. A great advantage of Tera Metais is that it has a system that guarantees special finishes between the profiles produced, thus avoiding unwanted friction.
For more information about Suppliers of aluminum profiles for frames
Call 11 4487-6474 or click here and contact by e-mail.
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