Aluminum for civil construction

The aluminum for civil construction is one of the most wanted materials of the segment, due to the countless application capacities and the versatility of use. The metal can be found in the structures, pipes and electrical systems, besides being a great replacement for wood and masonry. In the field of structures, it’s important that the aluminum for civil construction is manufactured and installed as the determinations and technical norms, mainly the ones of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), including NBR 7000, BR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125 and NBR 14232.


Much more than the versatility of application, the aluminum for civil construction features the benefits of high durability and material resistance. Thus, there is protection against mechanical crashes, weather, time action, physical efforts and a high cargo capacity. Besides that, the aluminum for civil construction also have high resistance against the corrosion and oxidation processes, with the possibility of use in environments with a more aggressive atmosphere.

Moreover, the aluminum for civil construction is also a more economical option and with better cost-benefit. Thus, it is possible to invest in other high quality material and, at the same time, cut costs. Another differential of the aluminum is the possibility of conformation according to the customer’s projects, starting with the studies and critical analysis of application. Among other benefits of aluminum for civil construction, you can find:

  •  It’s a sustainable material, due to the high capacity of recycling and reuse;
  • It’s lighter than other material types, as wood
  •  It’s faster and more practical to installÉ mais rápido e prático de instalar;
  •  Have a nice aesthetics.


Tera Metais is a specialized company in the aluminum manufacturing for civil construction, with a wide line of the material, for structural purposes. The company is reference in the segment, for the high quality of the products, all manufactured according to technical standards and the excellency. Besides that, Tera Metais also offers great conditions for the payment for the customers, with attendance for everybody in the national territory and for exportation. Thus, the manufacturer demonstrates all its quality with the certification ISO 9001:2008.

Aluminum for mechanical construction

The aluminum for mechanical construction must be acquired for a company specialized in extruded profiles of aluminum alloys. This manufacturer produces from a simple flat bar to high complexity profiles, to attend several segments that need materials of mechanical quality and adequate cost. The are different aluminum alloys with different applications in the market, whose main characteristics are corrosion resistance, good thermal conductivity and versatility.

Segments that use aluminum for mechanical construction

There are several segments in the market that use aluminum for mechanical construction in their activities. Some of those sectors are naval industry, automobile industry and aeronautics – companies that produce engines, electric panels and transformers, hospital segments and of musical instruments, among others.

The industry manufacturers have robust structure, advanced machinery and skilled labor to supply any kind of aluminum profile for structural and industrial purposes. Some of the offered products on standard open lines are flat bars, finish, connexions, handrails, dividers, awnings and roofs, linings and facades, among others.

Benefits in purchasing aluminum for mechanical construction

The are many benefits in acquiring aluminum for mechanical construction of specialized companies. The aluminum alloys feature great durability, resistance and represent the best alternative to replace several materials.

The extruded profiles are easy to recycle and provide an exclusive aesthetic appeal, besides the high quality in the applications. All the aluminum materials are provided accordingly the ABNT norms, as NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116 e NBR 12609.

Tera Metais – High performance aluminum for mechanical construction

Tera Metais is a solid company of the metallurgy segment that offers aluminum for mechanical construction of high performance. The company offers extruded profiles in high performance aluminum alloys for industrial sectors, furniture maker, civil construction and architecture, besides the special projects from the conception of the idea to the development of exclusive tools.

The team is formed by specialists with experience and unique knowledge, ready to offer efficient attendance and excellence products. The main differentials of the company are the credibility in the sector, reliability in the development of new business and high technology.

Aluminum for naval construction

The aluminum for naval construction is supplied for companies specialized in extruded profiles of aluminum alloys. Due to its benefits, the aluminum is largely applied in the manufacturing of vessels all over the world, for both comercial and military purposes.

The material is the best option of the sector, for having one third of the steel weight and for being one of the metals with lower density. This differential provides lighter hulls and surfaces with the same structural resistance, which makes the aluminum the main choice of the shipyards.

Importance of using aluminum for naval construction

It’s extremely important to choose the aluminum for naval construction. The material offers several benefits and provides the best cost-benefit for the manufacturing of vessels of many kinds. To supply the demand of the naval industry, manufacturers of the sector produce extruded profiles in varied aluminum alloys, as required for the application. With the growth of the Brazilian nautical market, more and more the shipyards are discovering the benefits of aluminum applying their alloys in the manufacturing of ships, yachts and boats.

Benefits in purchasing aluminum for naval construction from specialized companies

There are many benefits in purchase aluminum for naval construction from specialized companies of the sector. The aluminum provides significant weight reduction and, consequently, increases the cargo capacity and decreases the power required to move the vessels. Another strong point is the resistance and durability of the material, that demands little maintenance and reduce the costs in general. Besides that, the material is non flammable, does not absorb water and does not deform like fiberglass. 

Tera Metais – Aluminum for naval construction of quality guaranteed

Tera Metais is an excellent company of the metallurgy segment that offers aluminum for naval construction of quality guaranteed. The company offers extruded profiles in aluminum alloys according to customer’s request for alloy and tempering, within ABNT standards as NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229, NBR 15807, NBR 14334, NBR 15841 e NBR 14246.

The modern equipments of high performance and the strict quality control guarantee excellence in products and total focus on the customer´s needs and expectations. The company is certified by ISO 9001:2008 and have as main differentials the exemplary attendance, technological innovation and excellent cost-benefit.

Aluminum bars and profiles

The aluminum bars and profiles are very versatile materials, with an infinity of applications in civil construction and industries, for example, for structural purposes, product shaping or electrical busbars. The aluminum bars and profiles are manufactured according a strict standard of excellency and quality, correctly following all standards and technical specifications determined, mainly the regulations of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), like NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125 e a NBR 14232.

Aluminum bars and profiles for electrical busbars: specifications and benefits

Developed by closed tooling with minimum consumption of 500kgs per lot, the aluminum bars and profiles are products manufactured according the projects of each customer and application needs. Thus, there are products with different alloys, for example 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101, 6351 and quenching T4, T5, T6, T52. Besides that, it is possible to elaborate aluminum bars and profiles of flat conformation or with rounded edges, depending on the installation type.

One of the benefits of aluminum bars and profiles for electrical busbar is the possibility of driving energy in an optimized way, without compromising the mechanical resistance and without significantly changing the temperature, keeping the other material properties unchanged. Among others benefits of aluminum bars and profiles, there are:

  • Materials of high capacity of recycling;
  • Protection against the time action;
  • Replace an infinity of materials;
  • Nice aesthetics.

Manufacturing of bars and profiles with quality at tera metais

Tera Metais is specialized in manufacturing aluminum bars and profiles for electrical busbar, with application in the industry and civil construction sector. The company became market leader because of the products excellency, with ISO 9001:2008 quality. Besides that, Tera Metais offers great payment conditions, with prices compatible with the market and service for the entire national territory and exportation. With a team of skilled professionals, the manufacturer remains as one of the references of the segment and, like this, demonstrates all your competence, credibility and commitment.

Aluminum angles and tubes

The aluminum angles and tubes are materials supplied by companies specialized in metallurgical solutions. In general, the angles are characterized by the metallic profile composed of two tabs, symmetrical or not, that form a 90º angle, while the tubes vary in shapes: round, square or rectangular.

Both products are very used in the segment of civil construction and are fundamental for the locksmiths. The manufacturing obeys the technical and quality standards established in the market, to guarantee efficient and secure applications.


There are many types of aluminum angles and tubes and their applications in the market. The angles can display equal and uneven tabs, while the tubes are available in the shapes: square, round and rectangular, besides the special templates: Schedule and irrigation.

The angles are very used as corner finishes of properties, besides being widely applied in metallic constructions. The tubes are very versatile and are applied for industrial and structural purposes, according the project needs.


It’s essential to acquire aluminum angles and tubes from highly regarded manufacturers of the metallurgic sector. Those materials feature the most modern options for civil construction, are easy to recycle and have an indisputable aesthetic appeal.

Only experienced manufacturers have advanced machinery, robust structure and skilled professionals to offer the best aluminum profiles, according to the needs of their customers. Besides that, the materials are provided according to the request for alloy and quenching, always in compliance with the ABNT standards established for the sector.


Tera Metais is a respected company specialized in extruded profiles of aluminum alloys that offers aluminum angles and tubes of the highest quality. The company supplies open angles in the market standard in a minimum quantity of 300kg per item, with great resistance and durability.

The tubes are provided in different measures and diameters, in alloys like 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101, 6351 and quenching T4, T5, T6 e T52, besides the options of cut tubes according to the customer request. The company stands out for its exemplary service, credibility in the market and innovative quality program.

Aluminum plates and profiles

The aluminum plates and profiles are very popular materials in the market, due to their application versatility and great durability. Those products easily replace the wood and masonry, and that’s why they became one of the most wanted in the civil construction industry and industrial segment. The aluminum plates and profiles are manufactured according rigorous quality standards, according to ABNT technical standards, including NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232 and NBR 14229.


The aluminum plates and profiles can be manufactured according to each customer’s specifications, from technical studies and previous analyzes to determine the needs of application. Like this, there are customized products that meet market demand, with quality and the best cost-benefit. These are some of the main application types of aluminum plates and profiles:

  • Box: aluminum profiles for box line, with minimum sale of 300kg per item. The aluminum can be acquired in natural state, tempered, for rounded box, rail and cover profiles, with 8mm or 10mm thickness;
  • Agricultural greenhouses: open aluminum plates and profiles in the market standard, with minimum sale of 300kg per item, used in application of gutters and for spring structures of agricultural greenhouses;
  • Angles and countermarks: for civil construction application, with minimum sale of 300kg per item, open in the market standard, in natural material;
  • Profiles for facades: material already cut, according to the customer’s specifications, with minimum sale of 300kg, in natural state.


Tera Metais is specialist in manufacturing aluminum plates and profiles for the civil construction industry, to locksmiths and industrial segment. The company won recognition thanks to the excellency of its products, all developed according ISO 9001:2008 technical standards and quality. Tera Metais also offers accessible prices and have a team of skilled professionals, ready to support the customers. Thus, the company maintain the personalized service all over Brazil and for exportation, demonstrating all of its credibility and competence.

Aluminum plates and tubes

The aluminum plates and tubes are fundamental materials for industrial market application. Specialized companies in extruded profiles in aluminum alloys supply from the simpler flat bars to high complexity profiles, according to the sector’s needs. The aluminum tubes can be squared, rounded or rectangular, and are widely used in the civil construction segment for structural purposes and also in locksmith.


The aluminum plates and tubes manufacturers offers different solutions to different segments. Besides the tubes and plates, those companies also provide sinks, angles, flat bars, profiles for dividers, boxes, greenhouse gutters, handrails, profiles for awnings and covers, shutters and much more.

The materials are provided to the customers according to the quenching and alloy solicitation, always in compliance with the technical standards stablished by the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). Some of the segments served are civil construction, furniture industry, naval industry, metallurgic, locksmiths, companies of musical instruments, among others.


The are many benefits in acquiring aluminum plates and tubes of specialized companies. The aluminum is a extremely versatile material, that presents differentials such as lightness, resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

Another benefits of the raw material are: easy to recycle, superior aesthetic appeal and maintenance practicality. All the aluminum profiles are provided according to the ABNT standards, stablished for the segment, like BR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229 and NBR 15807.


Tera Metais is an excellent company of the metallurgic industry, that offers excellency in aluminum tubes and plates. The company supply rounded, squared and rectangular tubes in different measures, diameters and lengths. 

The products can be acquired in alloys like 6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101 and 6351 and quenching like: T4, T5, T6 and T52, besides the material options already cut according to the customer’s needs. The company stands out in the market for the robust structure, high performance equipments and scope of action with guaranteed quality of its products and services.

Aluminum profiles company

The aluminum profiles company is a manufacturer specialized in metallurgic solutions for a wide market. Those companies have a complex infrastructure, high performance equipments and highly skilled professionals to offer extruded profiles in aluminum alloys with quality and reliability. Some of the served sectors are the furniture industry, civil construction, architecture, naval industry, locksmiths and different others segments that need aluminum profiles and specific tools.


There are many solutions offered by the aluminum profiles company, that include the most diverse alloys and quenching. Some of the supplied products are rectangular bars, boxes, angles, gutters, dividers, sinks, handrails, windows, bars and gates, ceilings and facades, squared, rounded and rectangular tubes, rebar, shutters and much more. The offered profiles can be types “T” and “U”, with equal or uneven flaps, according to the customer’s needs and always according to the ABNT technical standards.


There are many benefits in acquiring products of a trusted aluminum profiles company. Only experienced manufacturers of the sector can offer complete solutions in extruded profiles in aluminum alloys for all the segments, with quality and durability guarantee.

The profiles are supplied according to the customer’s quenching and alloy solicitation, always in compliance with the stringent technical standards like NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229, NBR 15807, NBR 14334 and NBR 15841. Furthermore, the cost-benefit of the acquired profiles with the manufacturer are superior, specially because the flexibility of negotiations.


Tera Metais stands out in the market as a renowned company of aluminum profiles, that offers the most complete solutions to their customers. The company have high performance equipments to manufacture hundreds of tons of extruded profiles in aluminum alloys everyday, with a superficial finish system for your protection.

The products include from simple flat bars to high complexity profiles, according to the customer’s project. The company differentiates itself by dedication, determination and innovation, anchored to the foundations of people, processes and hight technology.

Factory of aluminum profile in Sao Paulo

The capital of the state of Sao Paulo is known for its urban development, as well as the large industrial and comercial contingent. Thus, there are countless specialized establishments that offers products of quality for the entire market. One of the main examples is the factory of aluminum profile in Sao Paulo and nearby regions, that had an exponential growth, due to its versatility of using aluminum, with applications in the industrial sector, civil construction, automobile and resellers in general.


A factory of aluminum profile in Sao Paulo and proximities with market recognition is responsible to develop materials according to the technical manufacturing standards, including the regulations of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). Like this, there is the production of items according to NBR7000, NBR ISO209, NBR8116, NBR 12609, NBR 14125, NBR 14232, NBR 14229, NBR 15807 and others specific determinations that have to be followed by the factory of aluminum profile in Sao Paulo and all over Brazil.

One of the main differentials of a factory of aluminum profile in Sao Paulo and trusted region is the materials elaboration according to specifications of each customer, from technical studies and analyses, to verify the viability of use. Besides that, among others qualities of a factory of profile aluminum in SP and nearby region of excellence stands out:

  • To have a complete line of profiles, plates and metallic bars of different alloys (6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101 and 6351) and quenching (T4, T5, T6 e T52);
  • To rely on a team of skilled and enable professionals, that make available support for the customers in case of need;
  • To have accessible and fair prices, with great payment conditions for the entire market.


Tera Metais is a recognized factory of aluminum profile in SP and region, with service for the entire nacional market and exportation. The company develops profiles, bars and metallic plates of high level, following correctly all the standards of manufacturing and technical specifications, with ISO 9001:2008 quality. Besides that, Tera Metais also offers good payment conditions to the clients and a personalized service, seeking to demonstrate all the credibility, commitment and competence of the manufacturer.

Manufacturers of aluminum profiles for frames

Manufacturers of aluminum profiles for frames with market recognition are responsible for the development of metallic materials, which attend the most diverse application needs in civil construction. Thus, aluminum profiles are manufactured according to a strict quality control and according to the technical standards of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), for the production of excellent materials and with excellent durability.

In addition, the manufacturers of aluminum profiles for quality frames also prepare projects according to the specifications of each client, based on studies and technical analyzes to verify the viaibility of application. For this reason, in addition to civil construction, the industrial and automotive segment also seeks the services of manufacturers of aluminum profiles for reliable frames, as they also manufacture other types of aluminum products, with equal quality and excellence.


One of the main differentials of the manufacturers of aluminum profiles for frames with market compromise is the production of resistant materials, which are capable of withstanding mechanical shocks, physical efforts and time actions. In addition, aluminum profiles can also be manufactured in different alloys (6005, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6101 and 6351) and quenching (T4, T5, T6 and T52). Among other qualities of the manufacturers of aluminum profiles for excellent frames, they should stand out for:

  • Rely on qualified and trained professionals for customer service;
  • Offer good payment terms;
  • Have ISO 9001: 2008 recognized quality;
  • Provide materials for exportation.


Tera Metais is one of the best manufacturers of aluminum profiles for frames, serving the entire national territory and the exportation market. Reference in the segment, for the high level of quality of its products and for offering an excellent service, always seeking to exceed the expectations of its customers. Alongside a qualified and well-trained team with excellent payment conditions, Tera Metais remains one of the references in the segment, demonstrating all the commitment, quality and credibility of the manufacturer.

Tera Metais - Extrusion in aluminum profiles
Rod. Constâncio Cintra, KM 79 - S/N - Costa do Sol Itatiba-SP - CEP: 13255-846
